Outdoor decoration cupid and psyche marble statue for sale

1.Cupid and psyche statue meaning

Psyche was the most beautiful of the three daughters of a great king. She was the youngest and most beautiful of the three daughters. She was so beautiful in appearance and spirit that people all over the world traveled so long to honor her beauty that the people of her country ignored Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. All this made Venus, the goddess of beauty (Aphrodite in Greece), jealous because the world had ignored her beauty and even forgotten her existence. So Venus had a plan, she let her son Cupid (Greek name eros) try to marry Psyche to the world’s most ugly and ferocious beast. Cupid’s arrow of love allows anyone to fall in love with whomever he chooses for them. The scheme is foolproof.

Cupid tricked the king and his wife into abandoning Psyche on a barren mountain, where she would be betrothed to a monstrous winged serpent.When Cupid met Psyche, he fell in love with her at first sight.But because Psyche was human, Cupid could not let her know his true identity or face. He only met Psyche at night and made her promise never to look at his true face.As time went by, Psyche began to miss the company of her sisters.Soon Zephyr brought Psyche’s sisters. Psyche showed them around her beautiful castle, and they were jealous.

cupid and psyche statue for sale

2.Cupid and psyche marble statue for sale

Psyche finally couldn’t bear the discomfort of not knowing her husband’s true identity and appearance. One night, after Cupid was asleep, Psyche carefully lighted an oil lamp and went to his bed to see the face of her beloved husband. To her shock, she saw not only the ugly snake, but a handsome face beyond any imagination, a boy as beautiful as the lily (the lily represents a good marriage for a hundred years). Psyche’s hand trembled uncontrollably with her heart, and the oil slipped and burned Cupid’s arm badly as he slept. Cupid awoke to find that her beloved wife had betrayed her promise to him, and flew away in anger and sorrow.

Psyche, tormented by her betrayal of her promise, the burning and loss of her beloved husband, vowed to spend her life searching for Cupid to show him her love. She appealed to the gods for help, but none would risk Venus’s hatred and revenge. In desperation psyche resolved to intercede with Venus herself.

She handed Psyche a box full of instructions: “Go to Persephone and tell her I want some of her beauty.She went straight to Persephone’s castle and asked for some of her beauty. Persephone instructed her not to open the box, asking her to give the box of beauty directly to Venus.She opened the box and a deep sense of sleepiness came over her. Unconscious, she fell on the road.


psyche awakened by cupids kiss period statue

3.Psyche awakened by cupids kiss period

Finally, recovering from his wounds and missing his wife again, Cupid went to Psyche,He found her asleep on the road. He collected the sleep and put it back in the box. Psyche woke up. He said to her, “Go and give the box to mother. I’ll take care of everything.”Cupid was eager to be friends with Psyche again, so he begged Zeus, the king of the gods, to allow her to live forever. Zeus agreed, and in front of the Council of Gods, he made Psyche a goddess, a butterfly fairy, a female angel, and Cupid and Psyche were officially married.

So if you are interested in cupid and psyche marble statue.please contact with YOU FINE ART SCULPTURE,specialized in marble carving since 1983.

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