New Product Ornament life size marble religious pieta statue

1.Michelangelo pieta marble statue

Painted in 1545 by Michelangelo for his friend Victoria Corona, the pieta was owned by two Roman bishops and later by German Baroness Wieland. Eventually, Mrs. Whelan gave the Mi painting to her maid, Gercho, the sister-in-law of the Coopers’ great-great-grandfather.

The Pieta was painted by Michelangelo in 1499.The Pity/La Pieta in St. Peter’s Basilica is a pure white marble statue, 2.15 meters high, 1.68 meters wide base, weighing 3,050 kilograms. It took Michelangelo two years to carve and polish it, and Michelangelo’s Pieta was completed in 1499. Michelangelo had just turned 25.

marble pieta statue for sale


On the morning of May 21, 1972, worshippers strolled through the Brasilia cloister of St. Peter’s Basilica admiring Renaissance art. “Pieta,” a statue of a virgin carrying a prostrate Jesus, was watched as usual by a silent crowd. Lazler Toth, a Hungarian who looked like an ordinary tourist, lifted the hammer. The virgin’s left arm was broken, her veil and nose shattered. Most tragically, her left eye was damaged. Ending 500 years of loving contemplation of her son.

Pope Paul visited the scene after Toth was taken to Italian authorities. He knelt in prayer and said it was “very traumatizing.” The statue had been covered with a large red cloth.

Vatican art experts worked together to assess the damage. Since the damage was broken, it was only possible to restore the shape of the statue, not its original beauty.

large pieta statue for sale


2.White marble pieta statue for sale

This piece white marble pieta statue is carved by our artist carvers. They did everything they could to get the feel of the original, they modeled it, and then they sculpted the details. What do you think? At the same time, we also made the large base, strictly based on the dimensions of the original work. I hope the works of art will always be remembered and miss.

This marble statue of Jesus, with its feet on the ground and embracing the world, looks very solemn. The solemn atmosphere and his deep eyes. All the details of these marble statues are very clear.

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