Ancient roman sculpture Gladiator figure marble statue reproduction

1.Ancient roman gladiator statue

Gladiators were trained slaves, freed slaves, free men, or prisoners of war in Ancient Rome, who armed themselves with swords, shields, or other weapons and fought each other to the cheers of the audience. Similar amusements were popular in the Roman Empire some 2,000 years ago.

The earliest records of gladiators date back to 264 BC. Most of the gladiators were slaves forced to fight to the death at the funeral of junius Brutus Bela, a famous nobleman. Gladiators were trained professional killers who often fought to the death to please the emperor and local lords. In Rome, gladiatorial contests during the Republic were mostly privately funded, while those during the Empire were largely funded by the royal family or the government.

Gladiators are not soldiers. Many gladiators were foreign prisoners of war, and the Romans did not trust them.


gladiator marble statues for sale


2.Gladiator marble statues for sale

In general, gladiators had a slightly higher social status than other slaves. In the 2nd century, an average gladiator was worth about 2,000 sesterus. In addition, some gladiators became superstars because of their invincible fighting skills. There is evidence that the women of the time admired the warriors of the arena. Commodus’s mother is believed to have been mad about The gladiator Martinus. Historians also know from graffiti left on the walls of Pompeii that Thracian gladiator Seratis was like the Beckham of his time. Of course, with the exception of the few who were admired, the whole group of gladiators remained at the bottom of ancient Roman society.

This design gladiator marble statues color is made of natural marble, the yellow part is the effect of polishing, while the gray part is the effect of unpolished. The whole ancient roman gladiator statue has a sense of layers. We can see the firmness, heaviness and determination of fighting in his eyes, and also feel a lot of helpless despair.

ancient gladiator statue

3.An uprising of gladiators

A gladiatorial fight down, the field is left with a slave body. Slave owners’ brutal rule forced slaves to launch large-scale armed uprisings again and again. In 73 BC, the largest slave uprising in the ancient history of the world — spartacus uprising broke out.

Spartacus was a Thracian of the northeast Balkans. When The Romans invaded northern Greece, Spartak was captured by the Romans in a war and sold as a gladiator slave. He was sent to a gladiator school in capua city and subjected to inhuman treatment. At the last straw spartacus said to his comrades, “It is better to die on the battlefield for freedom than to die in the arena for the pleasure of lords.” The gladiators, encouraged by Spartacus, broke out of their cages, taking knives and forks from the kitchen. On the way, they happened to meet several vehicles carrying weapons, seized the weapons, armed themselves, and ran dozens of miles away to mount Vesuvius. The rebels led by Spartacus set up camp and established a firm position.

The group grew from 70 gladiators to tens of thousands and defeated the Roman army many times. But later, due to divisions within the rebellion, the Spartacus army was defeated in a fierce battle in the southern province of Apria. Sixty thousand rebels were killed, including Spartacus. The great gladiator uprising failed.

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