
May 26, 2021

Contemporary modern abstract marble sculpture for sale

Abstract sculpture is the artistic proposition and pursuit of whatever one wants. The meaning of abstract sculpture does not specifically refer to a concrete sculpture image. Abstract sculpture does not have strict requirements on the shape and does not have to be similar to anything actual, but it does not mean that abstract sculpture does not require other realms: some are completely abstract, it requires It has the characteristics of beauty, but also requires internal connotations. For example, the streamlined body forged by stainless steel must be beautiful, with smooth lines and smooth block surfaces. There is also semi-abstract, also called imagery, which requires a bit like a specific thing, and Simplify the deformation, but also show exaggerated beauty and inner meaning, such as abstract human body.

Contemporary modern abstract marble sculpture for sale

Round design abstract marble sculpture is a completely abstract marble sculpture. Ordinary people may not see the meaning it expresses, but it is undeniable that it is really beautiful!

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