Bernini Life Size Garden Greek Marble Statue Of Apollo and Daphne

1.Bernini statue of apollo and daphne

It is the first love story of Apollo, the God of the sun in Roman mythology. His first love is dapuni, the daughter of the river god Pinus. For the content of this work, a more detailed version described in Ovid’s Metamorphosis is used.

Daphni, one of the leading characters in this story, is the daughter of a river god. She does not want to be constrained, but only wants to chase deer and birds in the mountains. She is afraid of touching marriage and love. On the other hand, Apollo, the god of the sun, fell to earth and was shot by Cupid, the god of love, because of his quarrel. So when he met Daphne, immediately love fire burning, god fan crazy heart. Daphne was so frightened that she fled. Apollo, full of love and longing, caught up with her. Daphne cried out to her father that she would rather ruin her beauty than be loved. The river god agreed, and her body slowly changed into a laurel tree.

The Greek Marble Statue Of Apollo and Daphne depicts the grand finale of the story, the moment Apollo rushes toward Daphne and is about to touch her.

bernini statue of apollo and daphne


2.Apollo and daphne marble statue for sale

This sculpture uses only off-white marble as the material, without any other decoration, so that the shape of the sculpture is more clear, so that the story and carving skills are more prominent.

From the perspective of personal style, although Benigni is good at sculpture and architecture, he does not deliberately associate this work with architecture, but presents it as an independent art form.

In addition, the style suggests some loyalty to tradition. In ancient Greek art, Apollo is often depicted as androgynous, thin and young-looking, with no beard and long, female-like hair. In this sculpture Bernini uses all of these qualities, preserving the traditional image of Apollo.

apollo and daphne marble statue


3.Greek Marble Statue Of Apollo and Daphne

On this Greek Marble Statue Of Apollo and Daphne, the expression of the figures is very careful and the shape is lifelike. The two protagonists stand slightly overlapping, and the marble white is a warm color. The movement of Apollo’s running creates some space extension, giving him more space behind him.

There is more than one point of view, so to appreciate this sculpture you have to look at it from every Angle. When seen from behind Apollo, Daphne’s image is blurred, only the part that becomes a tree is visible.

The sculpture captures the intense emotions of Daphne’s transformation and depicts her changing form at different stages. Daphne’s eyes are wide and her mouth is open, showing a nervous, surprised expression, which is due to the pursuit of her behind the people have followed, and her sudden fear of becoming a laurel tree. Her feet start to turn into trunks and her fingers start to grow leaves, indicating that the rest of her body will turn into trees. In fact, Apollo is also excited expression, his slightly open mouth revealed a trace of loss, but still can not cover the eyes of young people full of love for the future look. When Apollo caught up with his lover, he grasped the other’s body with one hand. If the other had not become a tree, he would have been held over by him. This shows Apollo’s passionate and selfish love.

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