Rome life size natural marble christus Apostles statue

Christus and Apostles statue

The Bible records that the twelve apostles were Peter, Andre, the sons of Zebedee, Jacob, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, and Alphaeus sons Jacob, Datai, Simon, and Calvary. Judas. Judas committed suicide after betraying Jesus and by-elected Matthias as his apostle.

apostles statues rome

The sculpture in the picture is Thomas of the Twelve Apostles.

Thomas, from Galilee, was born as a fisherman. According to the “Gospel of John”, Jesus knew that Lazarus was dead and was going to save him. Lazarus’s home was very close to Jerusalem. At that time, the Jews in Jerusalem were trying to capture Jesus. The disciples advised Jesus not to venture there, but Jesus refused to listen. At this time, Thomas stepped forward and said to everyone, “Let’s go and die with him!” Jesus appeared to the disciples after he was resurrected. For the first time, Thomas was not there and he didn’t see Jesus with his own eyes, so he expressed doubts and said. You must feel the scar on Jesus’ crucifixion before you can believe it. Eight days later, Jesus appeared to them again and said to Thomas, “Extend your hand to touch my scars!” Thomas believed that Jesus was really resurrected. Therefore, later generations referred to him as the “doubtful Thomas” and became a model of suspicious people in literary works. It is said that he had preached in Persia and India, where he was stabbed to death with a spear and was martyred. The Catholic Church has set December 21 as its feast day.

12 apostles statue

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